Princeton University
VIS 215: Graphic Design: Typography
Typesetting Sheila Levant
I typeset Sheila Levant de Bretteville's text to reflect her argument of approaching design from a feminine point of view. I designed the layout to reflect how I approached reading this text.
Recreating Muriel Cooper
On InDesign, I recreated Muriel Cooper's text by matching the typeface, soft returning spaces, and paying close attention to the placement of letters.
Typesetting Laszlo Maholy-Nagy
Using only paper, glue, a knife, and a xerox machine, I designed a layout that would bring out the main message in each paragraph of Maholy-Nagy's piece "The New Typography."
Manually Typesetting "Story of Your Life"
My classmate and I manually put metal letters into a galley to produce the following page from "Story of Your Life," a short science fiction story about aliens and language. I learned to read backwards and upside down.
VIS 222: Sculpture I
Project Forge: The Ram
I shaped a steel rod as tall as I was (5' 4") into an abstract ram because I was born in the year of the sheep. My project also resembles a uterus, thus exploring how femininity and masculinity coexist.
Project Fabric: The Enchantress
I sewed a cloak for the first time, joining three different pieces of fabric together. The velvet green is the same color as my favorite dress when I was a child, and I have always loved fantastical things.
Project Recognition: Me, Myself, and I
I rendered my creation process—connecting with the world (the cat), dreaming (the dragon), and drawing (the human)—out of a never hardening clay.
Project Accretion and Project Box: Confluence
3/2/22 - 5/6/22
Confluence is my first and last project. The first box project I completed with my friend: we turned a large plywood board into a maze game. The goal is to get a golf ball (a thought) from the top of one head (the shape on the end) to the other. Sometimes, connection is instantaneous, so the ball can go straight through, but other times, our meaning gets lost in translation, so the ball can get stuck in the maze in the middle.
For Project Accretion, I painted our box to visualize the movement of thoughts and energies during the game, or conversation. Abstract ideas in our heads become tangibles beyond us before returning to abstract signals in the mind of another.
Project Walk: Dreamwalker
One day, I noticed that our neural pathways and The Laniakea Supercluster look similar—how wondrous that our thoughts are akin to the universe! To explore how we walk through our minds, I sculpted a brain with the soul as a butterfly, which was inspired by the Chinese idiom "庄周梦蝶(Zhuāng Zhōu Mèng Dié)." Zhuāng Zhōu dreams that he is a butterfly so vividly that upon awakening, he is unsure if he is the man or the butterfly. The butterfly also references the butterfly effect, showing how our small actions—our thoughts or a butterfly's wings flapping—can create significant changes.