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If we can upload our consciousness to new bodies, how will we store all the memories from our previous lives? I created the Origami Memory Dress (OMD) as an art prototype for a quantum hard drive containing all the information about each life we live. Composed of copy paper and other lightweight materials, my OMD draws inspiration from butterflies, dragonfly wings, and wedding dresses as an incarnation of my life.
For prototypes, I tested copy, origami, and composite paper for different thicknesses, colors, and textures. I also experimented with various sizes for the folds for different aesthetic effects. Some of the tessellation folds, like the hexagonal fold, were more static, whereas the Yoshimura fold was more adaptable. I chose the Miura-Ori as the principle fold for its structural integrity and uniformity, two qualities suitable for my exoskeleton-inspired dress.
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